SUNY GCC - 十大靠谱赌博平台


Please note that the provided costs are an estimate for the 2023-2024 year and may vary from a student to student basis. For example, books and supplies cost may vary based on courses taken.

费用 在家生活 不住在家里
全日制学费 $5,150 $5,150
强制性的费用 $650 $650
书籍及用品 $1,525  $1,525
个人 $1,405 $1,405
房间 $0 $6,800
董事会 $1,975 $2,600
运输 $1,985 $800
总计 $12,747 $18,987


学费 and fees are subject to change without notice. 费用按学期计算.
*Double tuition is charged to NYS residents that fail to provide a valid 居住证明 每学年.

Full Time 学生 (Fall or Spring, 12 or more credits)

费用 NYS居民 Non-NYS居民 纽约居民,无证书*
学费 $2,575 $2,875 $5,150
大学的费用 $200 $200 $200
技术费 $100 $100 $100
学术支持费用 $25 $25 $25
合计(每学期) $2,900 $3,200 $5,475


Part Time 学生 (Fall or Spring, less than 12 credits)

费用 NYS居民 Non-NYS居民 纽约居民,无证书*
学费 215美元/学分 240美元/学分 430美元/学分
大学的费用 17美元/学分 17美元/学分 17美元/学分
技术费 8美元/学分 8美元/学分 8美元/学分
学术支持费用 2美元/学分 2美元/学分 2美元/学分

Summer or Winterim 学生 (No full time rates available)

费用 NYS居民 Non-NYS居民 纽约居民,无证书*
学费 215美元/学分 240美元/学分 430美元/学分
大学的费用 17美元/学分 17美元/学分 17美元/学分
技术费 8美元/学分 8美元/学分 8美元/学分
学术支持费用 2美元/学分 2美元/学分 2美元/学分


费用 成本
在线学习费用 10美元/在线学分小时
Allied 健康 student intern malpractice insurance 18美元/学期
护理临床费 25美元/学期


Estimated Annual International 学生 费用s

学费 & 大学学费 $6,400
房间,伙食,个人 & 当地的交通 $9,046
Books and Medical Evacuation/Repatriation Insurance $1,542



*The cost of housing is based upon living in a double room occupancy apartment suite at College Village. 参观 大学村网页 了解更多信息 about on-campus options, rates, and how to apply. If a student chooses to live off-campus he/she is still required to show sponsorship of $16,990. The College Village Housing Contract is for the full academic year.

**Meal plans are included in College Village costs.

Medical Evavuation/Repatriation Insurance is $50 for Fall/Spring Semesters and $25 for Summer Semester.


费用 由于 接受的付款方式
学费, 大学学费, and Medical Evacuation/Repatriation Insurance 在注册 Visa/MasterCard, US bank check, money order, or cash/travelers check (in-person). 国际银行转账: Flywire
大学村申请 申请费随合同一起支付. 住房费用包括在海湾合作委员会法案.参观 大学村网站 了解更多信息. Visa/MasterCard/JCB over the phone or email. 邮寄:美国银行支票或汇票. 本人:旅行支票或现金. Bank Transfer: Contact College Village for Transfer information在线支付 用信用卡或借记卡.


The net price calculator provides students and parents a total annual cost estimate to attend Genesee Community College.

Please note that the provided quote is a broad estimate and includes both direct and indirect costs. Actual out-of-pocket cost may be significantly less than the estimate.


Course registration creates a financial obligation to GCC. A tuition refund is only effective upon formal (written) withdrawal. The student can withdraw in writing in the Record’s Office or at any campus center location. They can also withdraw online through their myGCC帐户. Please be aware that non-attendance is NOT withdrawal. For further information on academic withdrawal, please contact the Record’s Office at (585) 343-0055 ext. 6218.


What information is included on the bill I receive from GCC?

Your bill includes the semester’s charges calculated according to credit hour. The bill lists anticipated payments from financial aid and any previous balance from prior semesters or payments already made for the current semester. Your bill also indicates whether we have a valid 居住证明 Form on file and your class schedule for the billed semester.

What is a 居住证明 and why do I need one?

A 居住证明 is issued by your County and verifies your legal address for the past 12 months. It is required from all students each year because it permits the College to bill your home County. Failure of NYS residents to submit a certificate will result in double tuition charges.

You can obtain an application for a 居住证明 online, or from the 学生账户 Office or a Campus Center. It is important that you follow the instructions on the reverse side (page 2) of the application, 以及任何特定国家的指示.


请参阅我们的 日期及截止日期 具体的学费到期日期. After the published due date, tuition is due upon registration.


请浏览我们的 付款 section of the website for information on payment methods and payment plans.


eBills (electronic billing statements) are simply a web-based version of the information contained in the “paper bill.”


不,海合会将不再邮寄纸质账单. eBill will be the exclusive billing method.


You will receive a notification via your GCC and personal email addresses whenever a new eBill is available for viewing, along with instructions on how to access it.


是的! Enroll in a payment plan online by logging into your myGCC帐户, 点击“横幅自助服务”, click “Pay My Bill” then click “Set up a Payment Plan” and follow the instructions. The cost to budget your interest-free monthly payment plan is $25 per semester (non-refundable).